
This website is intended for use by professionals in the transplantation field. It is not intended to replace in any way the medical advice offered by specialists or other health professionals. The SCT does not represent or guarantee any treatment, action, application of medicines or preparations, suggestions, opinions, prices etc. by any person who follows information offered or supplied in this website or its links. The SCT, its administrators, moderators and collaborators will not be responsible for injuries or consequences that directly or indirectly could derive from use of this website.

The SCT does not guarantee that the information contained in this website or its links could, by its nature, be appropriate or complete at all times and we suggest that relevant aspects be confirmed by reference to the original sources (complete articles, etc). The SCT does gaurantee the confidentiality of data related to the medical information presented by patients and likewise of visitors to the website, including their identity, through our own wishes as well as through complying with legal requirements regarding privacy and protection of personal data, and moreover with the requirements for any medical relation.
