
The Catalan Transplant Foundation, (Fundació Catalana de Trasplantament - FCT) is a private, charitable non-profit foundation, closely linked through its Articles to the Catalan Transplantation Society (SCT), such that the members of the Managing Board of the Society are also Patrons of the Foundation. The President of the Society is also President of the Foundation. The FCT was created as a complementary tool to assist in research and scientific activity, in the training of professionals and in the promotion of transplantation, without being a substitute for our national health system.

In order to stimulate scientific activity, the FCT established at its creation an annual award for the best lecture on transplantation presented in a national or international congress, presented together with the Academia de Ciencias Médicas de Cataluña y Baleares. It also established an annual award for the best article on transplantation published in a national or international magazine, presented together with the Real Academia de Medicina de Cataluña. This award also brings the appointment of Academic Correspondent to the winner. Later, some awards were offered by the Foundation with the support of the pharmaceutical industry.

The FCT also wished to participate in the field of training for professionals with a series of initiatives that addressed the lack of specific training in the speciality of transplantation. The training of transplant professionals is done through practice, via a limited period of residency in the medical and surgical specialities related to transplantation, like nephrology, hepatology, cardiology or their corresponding surgery, without there being a theoretical or practical systematisation for each organ nor for what it is shared in all transplants.

Until late 2009 the FCT sponsored the transplant Bulletin in association with the Societat Catalana de Trasplantaments and the Organització Catalana de Trasplantaments, published quarterly in Catalan and Spanish with a circulation of 2,000.

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