Advantages of being a Member

Access to the content of the members' area of the website.

• Access to grants and awards given by the Catalan Trasplantation Foundation.

• Be informed about relevant congresses and meetings, both national and international.

See details of the statutory rights and obligations of Members in Articles 32 and 33 of the Statutes of the Society.

Currently, as agreed by the Managing Board, no annual membership fee is payable to the SCT.


In order to become a Member of the SCT you must be a Member of the Acadèmia de Ciències Mediques i de la Salut de Catalunya i Balears (ACMCB) and have paid their annual fee.

In order to register, please fill in the ACMCB Registration Form  Logo of the ACMCB

Go to 'Sol·licitud d'ingrés' and complete the form (not currently available in English).

Any person who fulfills the following requirements can be a Member of the SCT:

• Be a Member of the ACMCB and have paid the annual fee

• Be qualified in medicine or surgery or have a university degree

• Be approved by the Managing Board of the Society.


Regarding any administrative procedures to become a Member, please contact:

Acadèmia de Ciències Mediques i de la Salut de Catalunya i Balears - ACMCB
Departament d’Administració
tel: 93 203 10 50

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