
To group together all qualified medical and surgical specialists, those from other related specialities that have a link or interest in transplantation, and qualified academics from other areas who request involvement.

To contribute to the improvement of its members.

To promote the development of scientific and academic activities related to transplantation.

To advise public bodies and private societies in matters related to transplantation.

To establish the means to increase studies in the speciality.

To collaborate with universities for the scientific and technical development of the speciality.

To further cooperation with other national and international societies.

UEMS European Board of Transplantation
Declaración de Istambul sobre tráfico de órganos y turinsmo de trasplante (2018),(ESP) (ENG)

Secretariat of the SCT

The Technical Secretariat of the SCT is available for Members and Friends: Contact

Tono Tombas

Application call for I Beca Tono Tombas

"Participació dels pacients en la millora de l'impacte de la malaltia renal crònica en la seva vida quotidiana"

Documento informativo de la SCT sobre la vacunación de COVID-19

TTS and ESOT Joint-Membership – 50% rebate!


Transplant professionals members of the Catalan Transplantation Society (SCT) can become a member of the TTS and benefit from a 50% rebate on TTS membership fee through its National Society Affiliate Program. Contact directly the TTS.


Transplant professionals residing in Europe who are also member of the Catalan Transplantation Society, can apply for joint- membership. This type of membership is available for new members and for ESOT members. Read on.

Book “Història del Trasplantament d’Òrgans a Catalunya”

Ediciones 62, edited by FCT Read on


Formacio 2023-24

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